
Welcome, Hi, nice to meet you, hello!!

Hi & welcome!!

I thought I’d start with a little bit about us, Mr and Mrs Mcilroy…

We met in 2011, got engaged in 2014 & married on the 30th January 2016! FB_IMG_1456442229583

We live in Poole, Dorset. It’s a lovely part of England, not to far from the beautiful beaches at Sandbanks, and just a stone’s throw to the New Forest. We really do have the best of both worlds here!!

This blog is going to be a little bit about us, our family, friends and our journeys. It will touch on Steve’s journey battling with diabetes day by day, with fitness and diet. Nikki’s is an update on slimming world, hopefully it’ll inspire some of you to keep going & stay on plan.

Catch up soon, thanks for reading!!

Love the Mac’s



Give us a break!!!

I feel like we need one. Not from each other I mean some good news. Finally I think we have some!!! Things are looking up!! August has been a fabulous month and I have a sneaky feeling it’s going to get even better !!! Watch this space !!! 

I feel refreshed where slimming world is concerned. I decided to join a new group as my usual one wasn’t working for me. There had been a lot of changes and I’m not the best with change! I am enjoying my new group. I’m there just as a regular member, not part of the social team. I’m getting back on track & looking forward to planning more meals, ones we haven’t tried yet. 

I hope your August is as fabulous as mine !! 


How embarrassing!!!

How embarrassing indeed!! Or is it ?

Should I feel embarrassed that a write a blog ? I was at my cousin’s on Saturday night and it got mentioned. I shot my husband a look (you know the death stare, the one you do just once and they instantly shut up. It wasn’t even him that mentioned it) I cringed, like really cringed! I may have even blushed! I’m not sure why it was mentioned, I can’t remember now. The thought of my two cousin’s and one of their girlfriends knowing filled me with such fear. One of my cousin’s girlfriend’s already knows about my blog, and she is a frequent reader (Hi Alice!!)

Why would anyone be interested in my ramblings. I started this blog to just get my thoughts down, as something to look back on in years to come. At the moment, right now as I write this, something to pass the time as I sit in my bedroom at my parents house while my hubby tinkers in the garage ( god knows what he is doing!!)

One of my colleagues asked what I was writing today. “Oh just an email” I said as I wrote my previous post on my Wasted weekend?? Why did I hide this?! I’m proud of my previous posts & their content. I’m quite a shy person, I’m a people watcher. I’m not the one to makes the conversation first, I don’t fill in the gaps when there are silences. I worry people won’t “get” why I write this. I mean everyone seems to be writing a blog now a days, the ones I read have lots of followers, comments and more frequent posts. I wonder if mine will pick up like theirs?

I really do hope that it will pick up, I’d love it to be a successful blog like the ones I read!!

Life · Weekend Blogs

Wasted weekend??

As the weekend came closer I was so looking forward to Sunday with my man. As we only get one day off together they are special to me.

We had been to my cousin’s for a lovely dinner the night before and ended the evening in fits of laughter and shock as we played cards against humanity.  I didn’t know I had it in me to play such a game, let alone win. With the answers we were coming up with I’m not sure I can say I was pleased to have won the game ! Sunday came and as planned I sorted my cousin in law’s hair out. (Is there such a thing as cousin in law?? Well I did Alice’s hair. We’re gradually making her blonder from pillar box red!!!)

After that we had planned to go to a local chilli festival.  Time went by and Steve was busy in the garden. I found myself getting a bit miffed hanging around waiting so decided to pop to the shops to sort dinner. I knew by the time I got back Steve would have finished in the garden, but it would be too late to go to the festival by then.

We decided to go for a walk instead. It was so gorgeous, sunny and bright out. We live in such a gorgeous part of the world & are so lucky to be surrounded by the sea and forest. Steve had an idea of where we were going to walk so off we went. I’ve lived in Poole for 10 years now & Steve has for nearly all of his life. Somehow we got LOST! Lost in our home town! We walked for just shy of 2 hours in the end. After having a quick pit stop at the bowling green for a cuppa tea and some cake.

What I thought was going to be a wasted day ended up being lovely. We walked hand in hand discussing our future & I couldn’t have asked for a nicer afternoon !

Slimming World

Back on track…again!

So I think my head is finally back in the game. The slimming world game that is! After my disastrous gain last week I managed to loose nearly half of it !!! Wahoooo I jumped off the scales with a leap of joy. Okay, slight exaggeration, I stepped off smiling. Inside I was running around the room with my shirt up over my head like the foot baller’s do when they score a goal! Yes!!!!!!! I’m back!

Monday is my day off from work, and this week I spent it very wisely where slimming world is concerned. I made my lunches for the week, made my breakfast ( overnight oats with Muller yogurt and fresh strawberries) and planned out the meals for the week, with the help of Mum (yes were STILL living at my parents). Then we shopped! Usually I enjoy shopping for a new outfit on my day off but that day we shopped for food! To say I enjoyed shopping might be a strong word to use, but we did it anyhow!

Personally I find if I plan my weeks food in advance and buy it, I stick to it ! That’s one meal a day on plan, usually syn free or very minimal syns. I enjoy planning my evening meals. It gives everyone in our family a chance to have something they really fancy.

I’ve got a clear week ahead. A meal at my cousin’s Saturday & he is doing a slimming world friendly meal. I’m not sure if he knows I’m on it or if his girlfriend is on it. Either way I don’t have to worry ! I feel awkward when friends or family invite us for dinner. I don’t like to be awkward so I just enjoy what’s given to me and eat well the next day. That being said my bestie always makes sure she makes something slimming world friendly!!

What do you do when your off to friends / family for dinner? Do you plan ahead?






Slimming World


Slimming world. Why do I do it to myself!!! Every time!!! I’m plodding along doing just fine then BOOM!! I loose the plot and have gain after gain after gain ! 3rd july I weighed in and gained 1lb. Then I had my birthday, So booked weigh off then couldn’t face the scales and by the time I knew it 3 weeks had past and I hadn’t got on the sad step to face the damage!

Damage indeed!! In 3 weeks I had gained 5lb!! My excuses could be that I had been put on another corse of steroids and it was also star week which usually gives me a gain of 2lb minimum. 5 lbs!!!!!!! Really…REALLY?!!!???!!! I ran out of my group as fast as my little legs could carry me. After the stupid woman weighing me said “ohhh do you know why that happened” yes I do…and it’s okay I said. WHAT WAS I THINKING ?! No it wasn’t Okay, yes I know why it happened….ive obviously eaten the wrong foods, not done enough (*any) exercise & clearly really enjoyed my birthday! Well anyway, that said I couldn’t face sitting in group so I ran out. Text my hubby and bestie absolutely gutted and so angry with myself.

It should have motivated me. I’d planned my dinners, made my lunches & got foods in for breakfast. I still wasn’t 100% on plan! I had a half hearted week. I had over synned, not done any exercise & definitley not drank enough water.

What Is Wrong With Me?! I’m living at my parents house to save for a mortgage, every penny counts & there I am spending £4.95 a week to step on the sad step and have a number set my mood for the week.

This weeks mood is “phew – That was lucky” I’d lost 2lb. Now I’m motivated! Now I’m determined to stick to this properly ! Today I have turned down a packet of crisps, a snickers bar & a cider!!! I have had a magnum mini but that’s only 8.5 syns & my mayo in lunch would be 2 syns so I’m ending on 10.5 syns for my first day back on plan. I forgot to measure my milk this morning & I haven’t drank enough water today. Baby steps are key for me, start small and build. Lunches are made and dinners are planned. Suitable snacks are available.
I’m doing this, & im doing it for me!!!


Steve’s Diabetes Story

It all started around new year 2015/2016, I had started to feel unwell, for me this is unusual as I very rarely get poorly. I had the flu and after weeks of flu like symptoms, I was put on antibiotics but nothing changed.

My legs, ankles and feet were swollen, to what seemed twice their size. I could barely walk, and when I woke in the mornings, I felt like my joints had seized. The flu like symptoms did not ease up, I felt like I was getting worse each day. Finally, after another visit to my doctor’s surgery, my doctor told me he had referred me to the hospital.

My wife (then fiancé) and I arrived at the hospital at 9am, and after we found where we had to go, the tests started pretty much straight away. They took my temperature and it was nearly 39℃, to be honest it was the best I had felt in days. For the last week the doctors had said I may have reactive arthritis. He ran some quick tests on me to try and determine what he thought was wrong. I then had blood tests, urine tests, blood glucose test, X-ray’s. I had the full works which took all day! Bearing in mind this was five days before my wedding day we didn’t imagine we would be sat in hospital all day! Nikki was going crazy, we’d planned to get so much done on this final day off before the wedding. To say Nikki was stressed was an understatement. However she insisted on staying with me, as I knew she would !

I was called into a room and was met by three doctors from rheumatology with my X-ray. They sat me down and examined me again and realised what was wrong with me. I had in fact got a rare lung disease called Sarcoidosis. (Sarcoidosis is the growth of tiny collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) in different parts of your body — most commonly the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes and skin.)

This caused my immune system to fight itself , it caused me to have arthritis, the flu like symptoms , my cough, my fever, even weight-loss. As I was trying to comprehend what they told me, I was then told my blood glucose level was high, they told me that it may just be for a little while as it can be higher when poorly. I was put on steroids to help with the inflammation of my legs, ankles etc. This was a blessing with the wedding just days away as I could hardly walk!

A day or so after starting my prednisolone my swelling reduced massively! However this had other side effects. A week after being diagnosed my blood glucose levels were 21mmol. Steroids make your blood glucose levela raise dramatically. I was getting more worried as I was not told what to do, how to lower it etc, I did not feel in control. I take several medicines to control it yet it always seems high (metformin, gliclazide, dapagliflozin),after a few of my first hypos I was getting more concerned.

My first major hypo happened the weekend we returned from our minimoon to Dublin. Me and my wife thought we would go shopping with some of our wedding money, we had a coffee in Costa (at this point I was told not to worry about what I ate and drank).

We finished our drinks and went downstairs to WHSmith, it was that moment it started going wrong, my vision went blurry, I got confused, sweating, couldn’t stand up, my wife had to hold me up. I thought I had maybe got light headed but it did not ease up, I started to feel more faint, more confused, my wife carried me to our car and it was then I passed out, I woke up about 10 minutes later very confused. We got to my in-laws and they gave me something to eat and I started to feel better. Me and my wife were so worried. We were not told what to do in these situations. We both felt weird, left in the dark. I researched everyday ways to control it.

After being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes I was told to attend some NHS diabetes education sessions. I mentioned to the staff that I had been told my diabetes was supposed to be temporary. However as you may know it does not work like that. My sarcoid condition had brought my diabetes out a few decades early, I was in fact stuck with it.

I never really understood diabetes, it’s a shame that I only understand it now I have it, I am 28 years old and I have my whole life ahead of me , I won’t let it beat me, I won’t let control my life like when I first got diagnosed. My heart feels for all the people struggling with it, but you have to stay strong and push forward .

Life · Weekend Blogs

Stuck…is where you’ll find me!

So here I am. It’s Saturday night, I’ve already had a nap and have been in my pyjamas since we had our Indian takeaway. (I ate far too much and put myself into a food coma, hence the nap!!) So now I’m miffed that I ate too much and didn’t count the Syns (yes I am still doing slimming world, loosely) I don’t think the scones and jam with double cream will have helped this week, let’s be honest. However I’m more saddened that it is a Saturday night and my hubby and I are sat on our bed like teenagers both on our phones. I feel like I am being constructive with my time, doing this blog and catching up with Facebook (it’s important to catch up with your friends while they are actually enjoying their weekends right????!!!) Poor Steve is on YouTube passing the time watching a video of a man who has made a gigantic sword from scratch, big enough to cut you in half, should he slay you with it. Poor Steve, what have his Saturday night’s become???


Why I hear you ask??? Well back in February this year we moved in with my parents so we can save for a mortgage! I never imagined I would be married and living back with my parents. We did the whole moving out thing and getting married all in the wrong order, I know that now. Hindsight is brilliant. It’s going well, we are surviving, I don’t think we are pissing my parents off too much, not that they tell us anyway.  I get the feeling my mum enjoys having us here to share the cooking duties. Dad enjoys having Steve here to talk golf, football and ‘stuff’. The dog doesn’t have a clue what’s going on… More people giving him treats and more play times. Also another mug to sit up with him when it’s thundering…that’s where I come in!!

Weekends have always been so precious for Steve and I. As we only have Sundays together because of the way our working week falls we both have a day off on our own (heaven!). Now we are knuckling down to save we feel guilty spending money!!  We have done a bit of cycling, walking, window-shopping but mainly planning and dreaming. We cannot wait for the day we have enough saved for us to start hunting for our first home. As everybody does, we’re working so hard for this, it’ll be wonderful when the time comes! I’m so excited for our future !!

So for the foreseeable we are having cheap date’s and long walks or bike rides!! The walks and bike rides are becoming a little more difficult as I’m undergoing tests and waiting for an appointment with rheumatology to see if I have arthritis in my knee. It’s been total agony since before Easter & considering we’re nearing the end of July, I’m fed up now. It is effecting my weekends, my plans. Causing me so much pain in work. I’m exhausted by it, it wakes me at night, once I’m awake it takes an age for me to drop back to sleep. I hate to admit but it is really getting me down. This is only the start of it! My mum has arthritis, as I know many people do. I see the daily pain my mum is in and the extreme pain when it really flares up. It cripples her, immobilises her for days at a time. I’m hoping if it is confirmed, I can begin some sort of treatment. I know this sounds extreme but I don’t want it to beat me and rule my life. I’m only 28, I want to get it under control so I can run around with my nephew’s,dance on a night out with the girls, and enjoy a romantic stroll and bike ride with my hubby and last a whole day shopping with my mum!!

This has passed a bit of time on my boring Saturday night, drowsy from my nap & full from my takeaway. I’m so grateful for night’s like these, the simple night’s, snuggled on the bed next to my man!! I love you boyo, thank you for looking after me the way you do, when I’m being demanding and needy. When I manage to get into the bed but that’s it. I’m stuck unable to move my leg because of my knee, or if my back goes so you have to get out of bed and help me up. This shouldn’t be happening so soon into our life together. I’ll tell you what though, it makes me love you even more!!!! You’ve no idea ! Thank you baby!!!





I’m sitting here writing this at 2:09am. I’ve been sitting here since approx 12 midnight trying to calm my dog Harley…

It’s not working!!!

I’ve wrapped him up in a towel and held him tight which ALWAYS works for those storms that go on for an hour or so. Then peace is resumed and we all go back to sleep.


Not tonight hey dog!!! This storm has been going on since 5pm yesterday on and off. I managed to fall asleep for an hour or so then he woke up barking and howling so up I got, grabbed his towel, Wrapped him up tightly and snuggled up on the sofa. It’s ment to relax them and make them less anxious. (When done in a certain way, Which I’ve done tonight as I have many time before) Tonight is different….this storm is not shifting. We’re both hot and bothered. He stayed wrapped for the suggested 15 mins and it made NO DIFFERENCE!!!

I tried again, my mum came in (yes I’m 28, yes I’m married, yes we live with my parents!! I’ll do another post on that one day) my mum tried. It didn’t work…we made tea and ate biscuits. Why the hell not at (now) 1am!! The dog enjoyed biscuits between howling. I have now caught up on Eastenders, and now find myself boring anyone reading this with my night’s events.

I hate to tempt fate but I’ve even bored the dog to sleep!! I think the storm is passing now. Next issue for tonight….IM STUCK!!!

My gorgeous scared dog has fallen asleep along my leg. With his head hanging off the sofa in the gap where I would put the reclining seat back in. I dare not move……. hmmmm coffee anyone!??!!??!


How do you care for your pets in a storm? Any tips for next time?!

Love Harley and me! xx 1500427464423160003404.jpg

Weekend Blogs

Birthday Blogging!!

28 today!! (okay, it was on Friday actually, but i’ve been a busy bee celebrating and being wonder woman with my magic wand/comb! Ill get to that…)

Bloody hell, 28! This birthday seems to have come round a little bit quick for my liking. I know we all say it, but the time really does fly when your getting older. Perhaps when your young and care free there are many events before your birthday comes back around to keep you occupied. I remember going from term to term when I was young. It was the way I would comprehend and gage the time! Then throw in the holidays of excitement and the ones that had proper events and meaning like Easter, Halloween & Christmas. Now i’m (ment to be….) mature and grown up, working, working and working my birthday just appeared in a blink!

Talking of working….a new one for me occurred this year! I worked my birthday!! Since Steve and I have been together we have never, ever worked our birthday’s. We’ve managed a break away or just a day out. Although I seem like i’m moaning (maybe I am a little, lets be honest, hello this is me, and my blog!!!) I thoroughly enjoyed myself! I woke up a 5:30 and set off at 6:15 to help a gorgeous lady and her 6 bridesmaids get ready for her wedding day!!! There were a few challenges but we got there in the end!!


We decided it would be nice if we went out for dinner on the Saturday night rather than the day of my actual birthday. Especially after the early start, I may have been a grumpy birthday girl other wise. Steve took me to a gorgeous restaurant which we had been meaning to visit for a while.  http://www.isabelsrestaurant.co.uk/


It was so SO good!! Everything was cooked so beautifully and tasted absolutely amazing! It was a hot evening, so drinks flowed nicely & I had a lovely time. I spent Sunday afternoon with friends, enjoying a few drinks in the sunshine in a lovely country club garden. It was gorgeous sitting in the sunshine soaking up the rays and alcohol!! Isn’t it lovely when friends surprise you with cakes too!!!


I’m excited to see what happens between now and my next birthday! Then its the big THREE ZERO!!! Surely i’ll have a party for that?! I think i’d like one 🙂 For myself to organise. I do love organising parties and events! If I ever changed my career I think id head down that route… Event management and planning.

Until next time,

Nikki xx

Weekend Blogs

Absent from posting…?

I started this with all the good intentions of updating weekly. Pah!! Who was I trying to kid! I work full time, travel an hour each way for work and like to spend my precious Sunday off with my Hubby or with friends and family.

We’ve been surrounding ourselves in family and friend’s. A new addition to our family to be precise! Steve’s sister gave birth on Sunday 14th May, to a very healthy boy weighing in at 9 pounds and 11 ounces! He is called Joshua James aka JJ! He has most definitely stolen Steve’s heart. I have nephews from my siblings so know exactly the love he is feeling towards this gorgeous bundle!

I’m so excited to watch JJ grow up. He has already changed so much since he was born just 3 weeks ago. That time has gone by so quickly. I’m not wishing him to grow up, but I can’t wait to watch him with his daddy and Uncle Steve kick a ball around the park & when I get the chance to push him on the swings in the sunshine. Even to wipe the ice cream from his chin, that little bit that dribbles down before you get a chance to lick it up! (oh I do love an ice cream). I’d just like to say also, how proud I am of my sister in law! Siobhan had possibly the roughest pregnancy I’ve heard of.  It was constant the whole way through. There wasn’t ever a week where she felt 100%. I was sure the saying of rough pregnancy leads to a good birth would be true. I hoped it would apply. We all hoped it would apply!! Nope!! 10 days late, after being induced and a very VERY rough labour JJ arrived, leaving Von exhausted and vowing never to have another bambino! Siobhan is a trooper, she brought JJ into the world using just gas and air. I know women do it all the time, but Von is the first to admit her pain threshold is not all that. Well Von if your reading this – f*****g well done gorgeous!! You amazed me ! Your strength, determination and courage got him here!! Thank you for giving Steve and I such a gorgeous nephew, we love him very much!!

Seeing Steve with his nephew has made me love him just that little bit more! I’ve always loved how great Steve is with my Brother’s two boys, and my Sisters son. I can see he feels so much more comfortable with JJ than he ever has with ”my” nephews. This is his sister’s baby so I understand why. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying I think he is uncomfortable with ”my” nephews. He has held and loved the youngest since he was born, and watched & loved the two older boys grow up since they were 5 years old. Steve is the cool Uncle, the one who plays Fifa against them on the Xbox, and the one who will tackle them to the floor when they have a kick about in the park.

It makes me excited to think of how Steve will be if we are lucky enough to have children one day.

IM GOING TO BE A BRIDESMAID!!!! I’m a little bit excited for this! (Another reason for me to stay on plan with Slimming World. ) My beautiful best friend and her man became the future Mr and Mrs Beck 2 weeks ago!! They had a BBQ planned for the bank holiday weekend which turned into a celebratory get together! When Steve and I arrived, I banished them from the garden so we could decorate it in banners and balloons! It was so lovely, they are so in love. I’m so very excited for them! I absolutely loved planning our wedding. Arranging all of the fine details that made it our special day, choosing THE dress & finding dresses for my bridesmaids and Maid of Honour – who happens to be the future Mrs Beck. Lianne, if you are reading this, you are going to make such a beautiful bride. You really are the best friend a girl could ask for. You’ve been there for me in the good, bad and the ugly times. We may have had a few crossed words, but we’ve always come out on top in the end. I cannot wait to be by your side as you marry old Jonny Boy.  I’m a little bit in love with d.i.y gifts. They add that extra special touch, so when I heard the news of this engagement I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Thankfully it went down well 🙂 Ill attach a pic below.


So in short, that’s where I have been. Celebrating the arrival of our gorgeous JJ and the engagement of my beautiful friend and her man. Bubbly has been consumed on both occasions, and man it tasted so good!!! It always tastes better when its for a celebration!!

Thanks for reading, speak soon.
